Saturday, June 13, 2009

25 weeks

And I just have to throw in a belly shot right? It is growing. Today was the first day I put on maternity pants and oh man, I love those things. I know people have issues with maternity clothes, but really, the pants are so comfy. I mean you don't have to undo anything to go pee. It can't get much better than that. And if you happen to eat a little too much, they just stretch right there with you. Glorious. I will most likely still be rubber-banding my favorite jeans. The only downside to maternity pants is that they do not stay on. My lack of booty and hips refuse to keep them on, but you work with what you got. The name department is still empty. I think I'm secretly waiting for a dream or a vision or something to reveal her name to me. Maybe we should just kick it Bali style where they name their kids first, second, third and so forth. Not my favorite thing ever but definitely simplifies. Ps don't you love the dark clouds behind me in the pic? We prayed for a summer like this last year and it never came. I'm so glad we get a few rad storms before we leave. It is after all, our most favorite thing about Utah. Thanks for the sendoff.


Amanda said...

i still vote for Adelae (or however you spell it!) or Amalie. So pretty.

and such a cute tummy! i love my little niece already. can it be september so i can see her cute face? cant wait to see you guys!

The McLane Blog Page: said...

Cute cute cute! we miss you guys! Ps- Maternity pants ARE the them!

Bean said...

Love that darling belly of yours! Keep up the good work darlin ;)

The Cooks said...

Becs! You look beautifuL! Glowing, i'm so sad you left and i didn't get to see you