So considering the cold is coming and my garden will probably be dunzo in a matter of weeks, let's review what I learned about gardening. 1) Plant earlier, even if you can't because frost doesn't leave when it should, just do it. 2) Plant stuff further apart than you think they need to be. 3) Put in totally new, yummy soil, or else the weeds will always win. 4) Kill ALL bugs, even if you must use pesticide. I'd rather actually have stuff to eat than feed it to all the neighborhood slugs, rollypolly's, ants, and so on. 5) Make peace with my fear of bees or we will never be able to live in peace together, thus sacrificing my garden to loneliness and defeat. 6) Garden Jalapenos are something I should never even try to eat let alone lick. Ryan Facer is the only person on the earth who is allowed to eat these safely.
Fun garden! We're going to be putting one in soon.
And I totally agree with your "play" post! I feel like if I'm not hounding my kids at the playground all the other parents will think I'm a bad mom. But I think it's just the opposite. Let them play!!
Becky your son is seriously the cutest kid I have ever seen. I hope Jenson is half that cute! PS I need to call you, your number is still the same right?
Oh, so sad about Ollie's friends. I am with you 100% on the play theory. I say, let 'em discover and get dirty!
I've got the recipe for the perfect soil, so before you get started next year, get it from me.
My tomatoes are still going strong and they are so delicious. Mom
Bets, you have a garden! You are so domestic!! I love it! I wish I could have a garden as great as yours! Can I come have fresh veggies with you?
Hey I have an entire backyard of sunflowers (the weed kind), I think they might take over my home. I did try to grow tomatoes and cucumbers this year. We have a total of 1 tomato out of 2 plants, and 2 cucumbers, from 1 plant. I agree with your gardening rules.
Just wanted to say it was good to see you guys. We will have to do it again soon.
I am jealous. I want a garden so bad. Grow something for me will ya? Maybe some tomatoes or a second attempt at a pumpkin
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