My mom really outdid herself this time. She sent us a flu and cold season package that is seriously the best. And considering that Ryan and I were sick two days ago, it is just in time. I HATE that when the cold comes, with it comes runny nose children, coughing, fevers. Until you have children you will never understand just how annoying the cold season is. Because if they're sick, you never rest. And if you're sick, you definitely never rest. Basically last year I got to the point that if I saw a child with a runny nose, I seriously ran like the plague. It's just not fair to be sick for 5 months, like Ollie was last year. Please immune systems, work with us this season, do your job, protect us, or we'll be forced to get rid of you for good. Mom, you're the best. Oh and of course thanks for my favorite treat from Trader
Joes, yum yum! I wrote them online requesting that they build a store in Utah, doubt that will ever happen:(
Just had to include a video of our dance party this afternoon. On probably a daily basis, sometime during the day, we have ourselves a good dance, Oliver loves it. He usually gets fancier with his footwork but you get the gist. David Gray doesn't bust out crazy techno beats so you work with what you have:)
So cute!!! I love the dance.
becs your mom is so cute. that was really a creative and great idea. the twins i nanny have been sick and the poor mom has been out of it even more than usual. and i love the life you live!!! i love that you married ryan and that you have oliver...its like you couldn't have made up a better story!
K what a nice package. Kash has been sick forever! I hate it. Your little boy is so adorable!!!
Cash started dancing when he heard the music on Ollie's video. And I love your package... good think I have a sore throat that I'm going to get rid of by tomorrow. :)
I'm so glad you liked your package. Take good care of your sweet husband and and my precious Oliver! We miss you all sooo much.
Hey becky! Hows it going! this is amanda i found your blog through Kristens! I found you and Rachel Cook today:) How have you been?
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