We just need to post here real quick because Oliver has accomplished something miraculous...5 nights of sleep in a row, without waking up mom and dad! This is like solid sleep from 7 to 7, amazing. We have tried a lot of things to get this baby to sleep at night and basically all it took is Oliver just deciding for himself, who knew? After not sleeping for 10 months, this is life altering for us. I am now feeling like a normal person, thank goodness. Let's just keep our fingers crossed that it's here to stay.
PS... don't forget to vote tomorrow, preferably for Romney:)
CONGRATULATIONS! Seriously, I have never appreciated sleep more. That is why I am so happy for you! AND it gives me hope that it DOES actually happen! :o) Jack has been doing better the last few nights,...I'm crossing my fingers that saying it wont jinx us tonight! How is work going?
It's going pretty good. Working with the kids is definetely different but I still feel like I'm doing something to help them and their moms. It's a tough life for both, and you can tell from the way those poor kids act. Ollie loves it though, he thinks he is one of the big boys but then realizes fast that he's not when he gets knocked down over and over. I like the promise program though, it's really effective. And teaching parenting is a lot of fun, but you always wonder how much is getting to them. The jail all over again right? Are you thinking about working again? It would be so hard if I couldn't bring ollie too. I don't know how people do it.
I'm so happy for you!! It's all downhill from here, sleep wise. I hope. I love the video of him walking, we need to get Cash on video walking, it's so stinkin' cute!
Tortus seriously that is so rad that you can finally sleep. Oliver reminds me of Aarron coming down at like 6 30 and waking me up. Oh ya I got an 89% in espanol this semester its like simon to the max. I am so stoked. Thanks for all of your help. It been greatly appreciated and useful. So any time you want, just come back down to Cali and lets go surf it up with Bronto and Gramps. I miss it already. I also miss Oliver and wish that I never dissowned him i guess or ignored him is a better word. Hes such a chunk of joy and pain but mostly joy. Thanks again for espanol.
that's exciting! there's nothing like an actual full night of sleep! i love that picture of oliver! what a sweetie!
I TOTALLY want to work, but I am torn. I want to be with baby all the time, but I REALLY miss the inmates. Crazy? YES, I know! I hope that I can do something on-call or very part-time. I really found a passion for substance abusers! haha..
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