Saturday, February 9, 2008

And that's that...

Well folks, that's the end of sleeping through the night. The past 3 nights Ollie has woken up. The first night we were like, oh it's just a fluke, and even the second we still had hope. But last night confirmed our worst fears, that he is now deciding that waking up is more fun than sleeping. So I do the whole wait five minutes, go in for 30 seconds, wait 10 minutes, go in for 30 seconds, wait 15 minutes... and so on. Usually after 30 minutes has passed I just stay in there and rub his back till he falls asleep, I just don't think it's right to let babies cry longer than that. So you'd think he would just go back to sleep cause who wants to cry for 30 minutes. Well this kid I swear is a lot more sensitive than most, he just gets so upset. So patience, patience...I'm hoping this will work after a few more nights. Any suggestions that prefferably don't involve letting him cry all night???


andrea said...

I saw this idea on Super Nanny and it worked great with Andin. The first night you sit right next to his crib when he wakes up but don't pick him up or touch him, just sit down. He'll cry but seeing you will eventually calm him down. The next night scoot a little farther away, and do the same thing. Each night you move closer and closer to the door and by the time you are out the room he should be used to it! I know it's hard to let babies cry, but sometimes it's good for them to learn to soothe themselves. But you're the mommy so you know what is best for him! Good luck!!

Lindsay said...

So, same here. Not that Jack was actually going ALL night, but he has reverted back. DANG! I hear they do that though. It's normal for them to go back and forth---eventually it'll stick! So sad!

The Johnson Journey said...

So, I'm not sure what else to tell you, expcet that I just hung out with a bunch of my friends and we were talking about sleeping. The only couple that didn't let their daughter finally work through and soothe herself is still getting up 3 times a night and just holding her hand to get her to go back to sleep. She's almost 2 now, and she's having another baby and doesn't know what she's going to do. I do agree though, it really is the hardest thing to let your baby cry and cry and cry... it makes you sick! So, I'd just check out some more books and try some more methods. I love you!

Landvatter Family said...

I HATED those nights! Kash always ended up having ear infections though when he would wake up crying. It was like every week he had a new one! I did the same thing as you, just let them cry for a bit then go back in. I couldn't handle letting him cry for too long though! After his ear infections or stomache aches passed he would sleep through the night again! I hope yours does too!

Becky, Ryan, Oliver, Amelie, and Nora said...

Thanks guys, he is doing way better, and without having to cry hours, so it must have been his ear infection. I totally agree that babies need to self soothe but I think that they also need to know you're there and crying for hours is just not my idea of that. So I think there's a balance, as in everything:)