Tuesday, January 1, 2008

We'll be home for Christmas

Christmas was such a wonderful time this year. We saw our family and friends and just had a great time in the sunshine and warmth. So the picture in the hole needs to be explained cause it was such a triumph. We dug this whole (and when I say we, that really means not me:), it was probably 9 feet deep. When it was finished you had to lower people in and out of it with a shovel, it was actually so funny. My brother was very proud. Oliver helped by trying to nose dive into it and then getting distracted by the tasty sand and face planting into it, mouth wide open. In the hole is me, and my sisters Annie and Chelsea. Oliver still likes to eat sand, yum...salty. And I've always said Oliver begged like a dog for people's food, who knew I was so right.


aaron and meg facer said...

Oh man, that sounds like such a fun time! I wish we could have been there!

andrea said...

thats a great hole.