Wednesday, January 2, 2008

oh so funny

So I just HAD to mention something funny that happened today. I was sitting at this sandwich shop waiting for my turkey delight and all the sudden I hear ducks or geese, who knows, and so I start looking around considering we are in-doors and there is a animal planet special going on. So don't worry, just at the table next to me is a guy sitting in his camouflage pants, facial hair and HUGE belt buckle, that has something written about hunting I'm sure. He was picking up his cell phone. Yes, it's true, he had the poor cry of his victims as his ringer just to remind him of the moment just before the kill. So you know, I hate hunting. But this little moment actually made me laugh throughout the day. I am glad the world is made up of all of us, even though sometimes I wish people just didn't hunt. I mean seriously.

1 comment:

andrea said...

I totally agree.... I hate hunting too. Even fishing is sort of sad. What a crazy, to have that as his ringer! I would have laughed too....but it is amusing to have diversity. More to make fun of I suppose....j/k that is terrible.