Friday, July 19, 2013

A visit to Aunty Leah's house


 We had a really fun visit this past week going to the Bonner's house for a visit.  My mom generously drove Ollie and Amelie while Nora and I flew there (Nora has a bit of a crying problem in the car).  It was so fun seeing Leah and her growing baby girl tummy and those sweet boys.  Leah got to meet little Nora who unfortunately wanted to be held by her mama the whole time.  Not the best first impression:)  Carson wanted to take care of Nora the whole time and every time she would cry, he would run over to put a blanket on her or bring her a toy.  The sweetest boy in the world.  I can tell he will love his baby sister.  We got to go to the park, the jelly belly factory, play in the backyard on the tramp and celebrate Uncle Steve's bday.  It was so fun to play with cousins and hang out with my mom and Leah.  Can't wait to see that new little baby girl soon!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

How fun that you all got to get together! Hope you guys are doing well. We are making our blog private and wanted to send you an invite. I don't have your email address, so if you can send it to me that would be great.