Well, this should be surprising to most that Ryan, not Becky, is dedicating a post to Ms. Oprah Winfrey. As a small boy I remember my friends Moms talking almost obsessively about the latest Oprah. However, I never really knew what Oprah was really about until I married Becky.
As you all know, Becky is very passionate (one of my favorite qualities about her) and the 'O' show tailors to the passionate, intuitive viewer. Even before I found out that this was the farewell season, I had internally committed to get her to a show at some point in her life (thinking Oprah would live forever). When I heard that this was the end, I felt helpless. So in a final effort I sent the show an email:
Dear Oprah,
I am a 27 year old California resident. I have been married to my childhood best friend and the ultimate love of my life for the past 5 years and we have two beautiful children. Although my wife and I grew up together and were very close friends, I did not cue into her enthusiastic routine of watching your show until we were married. During our time together at the University, I would often find myself walking through the door of our small apartment in the afternoon after classes to an increasingly familiar sight. The first thing I would notice would be your show on the television in the background, then my gaze would focus on the teary brown-eyed girl sitting closer to me. She would look at me thoughtfully and then say, “Babe, come sit down. You will not believe this story!”. Sometimes the stories were sad, sometimes horrifying, sometimes hysterical but mostly they were inspiring.
It was the inspiring theme behind your show that first gave me the impression to one day write a letter to the Oprah Winfrey show so that my Baby could go there in person one day. Now to be frank, I feel that I’ve been unjustly dealt with to have this be your final season. Other husbands have had 20 plus years to write you and do precisely what I’m doing while their wives have been avid viewers of your show. I can’t help it that I was born in the 80’s. Regardless, I still have to try.
I wish I had a story to tell you, to grab your attention. I wish I could say something notable enough for this letter to stand out above the hundreds of thousands that will undoubtedly reach your studio this season. All I really have to say is that I love my wife, I love my family, and I love to see ‘the good’ in other people and be inspired to reciprocate that light. So I guess I want to say thank you: for magnifying ‘the good’ in people and inspiring the rest of us to do the same.
You will be greatly missed weekday afternoons but I wish you all the best in life as you strive to do your part among so many. God bless.
Ryan Facer
I am a 27 year old California resident. I have been married to my childhood best friend and the ultimate love of my life for the past 5 years and we have two beautiful children. Although my wife and I grew up together and were very close friends, I did not cue into her enthusiastic routine of watching your show until we were married. During our time together at the University, I would often find myself walking through the door of our small apartment in the afternoon after classes to an increasingly familiar sight. The first thing I would notice would be your show on the television in the background, then my gaze would focus on the teary brown-eyed girl sitting closer to me. She would look at me thoughtfully and then say, “Babe, come sit down. You will not believe this story!”. Sometimes the stories were sad, sometimes horrifying, sometimes hysterical but mostly they were inspiring.
It was the inspiring theme behind your show that first gave me the impression to one day write a letter to the Oprah Winfrey show so that my Baby could go there in person one day. Now to be frank, I feel that I’ve been unjustly dealt with to have this be your final season. Other husbands have had 20 plus years to write you and do precisely what I’m doing while their wives have been avid viewers of your show. I can’t help it that I was born in the 80’s. Regardless, I still have to try.
I wish I had a story to tell you, to grab your attention. I wish I could say something notable enough for this letter to stand out above the hundreds of thousands that will undoubtedly reach your studio this season. All I really have to say is that I love my wife, I love my family, and I love to see ‘the good’ in other people and be inspired to reciprocate that light. So I guess I want to say thank you: for magnifying ‘the good’ in people and inspiring the rest of us to do the same.
You will be greatly missed weekday afternoons but I wish you all the best in life as you strive to do your part among so many. God bless.
Ryan Facer
I wish this is where I could say, Oprah read my email and is sending Becky to the next show! I sent this email back in November of last year and have not heard anything. I knew it was a shot in the dark among so many other people doing the same thing; but I had to give it a shot. I love my Baby, I want to do everything I can to make all her dreams come true. Anyway, I just wanted you to know I tried; and although it may seem funny, I will miss the afternoon Oprah myself. It's refreshing having someone with so much influence consistently trying to do so much good for others.
Ryan that was such a sweet letter and great effort on your part. I too had the same plea when realizing this was her LAST season. How could that be possible? My mom and I have planned to attend her show for over 15 years now. We should have a final Oprah viewing party or something. She is such an extraordinary woman. So is your sweet wife. :)
THAT is an impressive, beautiful gesture. No wonder she loves you so much!
Baby, that is the cutest, sweetest thing ever. I had no idea you sent a letter like that! I have to admit, my daily "so I saw this thing on Oprah today" will be greatly missed. It is total therapy to sit and cry or laugh every afternoon. We'll just have to become our own ambassadors for good I think. I know we will:) I love you
I'm not sure if we've talked about it or not, but I am right there with ya Becky! I have watched the O since the get go and, I am sure, say the same lines preceding what I will tell Jared I learned on Oprah that day. Can we have a chat session soon and talk about all things Oprah, please? I am loving Ryan's letter and secretly needing him to give Jared the heads up that he should've done this at some point in the past 10 years. So, hats off to you, R. I love you guys and your great example to me.
That is the sweetest thing I've ever heard!!!
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