Thursday, July 15, 2010

Summer nights

Tonight was a total Rexburg summer night. Out of nowhere these thunder clouds rolled in this afternoon and then started raining. All I could think of was how much I missed those summer night's in Idaho. It made me think of singing Dashboard with Brooke and Lane to the top of our lungs in the pouring rain, watching movies out our back window on the grass, driving back from the sand dunes smelling smoke and wet grassy fields, late night runs to Dairy Queen with the girls to get a georgia mud fudge blizzard and fighting for brownie bits, drives through the fields consumed by thoughts and possibilities, mattresses pulled into the front room for a huge slumber party, scotcharoos and confetti cake, love and heartbreak, jogging all alone and relishing in the peace of being in total seclusion, leaving the library after some awesome he said she said chats instead of studying, finishing a last minute essay with a total procrastinators high, and the magical glow of that little town full of so much energy right in the middle of nowhere. I love that place. There is nothing quite like it. Be there now.


kelleyplus said...

I think I WILL be there next week. I think I'll drive up to help Annie pack and watch Gage. What do you think of that?

Brooke said...

i almost teared up reading this. who knew the burg would bring us so much joy! Remember the jimmy eat world song we loved - 15 mins of pure happiness played over and over and over again (thanks to candice). we need to go back and relive - only parts - of that time! Thank you for reminding me ;)

andrea said...

That's sweet, I love when you write from your heart like that. I can see why you loved it so much, great friends are amazing.

The Johnson Journey said...

Oh man... Seriously, Brooke is right, I was wanting to cry (if I actually had the energy left to do so). I love Rexburg. Seriously, there aer days that I long to be back at that apartment with you girls.

annieq84 said...

Oh course you had to post this as I prepare to move from here in a couple of weeks. Maybe I should wait till winter and that way I'll remember that moving away isn't such a bad thing. I'm with you Becks- I love this place and I'm gonna miss it so much!