Friday, April 2, 2010

We're Moving!

So it's been a crazy couple of weeks. Basically we thought we were moving here and here and things kept not working out, or we were just too undecided to know what to do. We had planned a move to Orange County after Ryan's job in Burbank ended, then he ended up getting transferred to Santa Monica on a "sprint" job that only goes until August. Actually he was requested for the job, a clear sign of how amazing he is doing at his job. Maybe a little too amazing considering he is at work A LOT. So for a while we had been thinking of a temporary place closer to Santa Monica until the job ends. Instead we decided to cut to the chase and find something in Orange County cause that's where we wanted to be anyways. The drive for the next 4 months for Ry will be a nightmare but we'll be in a sweet spot that we'll love. So our new place of residence...Aliso Viejo. We are SO excited. Official residents tomorrow baby! I do have a few pictures to put up of the past week but I'm on the wrong computer. I'll get those up soon cause who knows when we'll have internet at our new place. And Happy Easter and Conference!!! I love to think about our Savior's ressurection and what it means to me.


annieq84 said...

Wooooohoooo! I'm so excited for you! Good luck with it and remember to take a deep breath every once and awhile. Miss you!

Wilmary S. said...

Congrats on the move!!!

Bean said...

dang. Got me all excited thinkin you were movin back to Utah. But I know that's basically never gonna happen.

Sara said...

Becky, remember how i'm you blog's biggest fan? It's been a while since you've posted and i'm missing my weekly dose of Ollie growing up to fast and wanting to smother your little girl with kisses. Love you! I want to hear more about your dula calling. we will be hiring you in the future, so pre-book us for 2015.