Saturday, January 2, 2010

Christmas, Anniversary and New Years

So the holidays are officially over and it's time to report...
Christmas was a huge success. Ollie got this sweet train set and I surprised Ryan with a new wet suit. Christmas seriously is the most fun when you're excited about giving presents. It's so fun. Ryan and I were asked to give talks the Sunday following Christmas and I decided it was the best gift I got. I do not give talks well so it's something I really have to rely on the Lord to do. I gave my talk on LOVE and that is what I felt on Christmas. I have so much love in my life. My resolution this year is to give others more of the love I've been given.
We celebrated our 4 year anniversary on the 30th. I think it's pretty amazing we've been married that long. What's funny is that I feel like we just got married but yet I can't remember life without Ryan. I don't think I really want to. I am not a believer of opposites attract. Ryan is absolutely my other half, cheesy cheesy I know. He is also the better half if you ask me. Every single day I feel lucky that he is by my side. He tells me everyday that he loves me, that I'm beautiful, that he missed me while he was at work. He is an absolute romantic and reminds me when I need reminding of how in love we are (with two kids I sometimes need reminding). Basically what it comes down to is...we still got it...and will continue to have it on our 10, 20, and 50 year anniversaries. I love you Ry, more than I can say in words.

(By the way, this picture was taken this afternoon at the beach in Malibu. It is January 2nd my friends and it was 75 and sunny. You gotta love that).

On New Year's Day we went surfing at Silver Strand. It was chilly that day but still blissfully wonderful. Ollie and I hung out and played while the boys surfed and Nana hung out with Ami in the car. Ryan got to try out his new wet suit and the surf was pretty decent. I tried to get out there to take pictures but was coming out as everyone was coming in. I got a good one of Jeff.

New Years Eve we went to our friends Robin and Daniel's house and hung out with Parker and Jessica and all 4 of our kids, soon to be 5. We lasted till about 11:00 and then Ryan was falling asleep so we decided to drive home, so lame but necessary. We pretty much turned on the TV when we got home a few minutes before the ball dropped, watched that, kissed and then slumbered. Ahhh, just how I love New Years.

Last night we went to the party of the century at our wonderful friend Emily Brown's house and boy was it truly the party of the century. I can't believe I didn't get pictures. (Ems, if you ever retrieve your pics, please send me some). We left Ollie with my mom for the night and pretty much partied like it's nineteen ninety nine all night. Seriously we went to bed at 3:30 am. I can't remember the last time that's happened. It was like living moments from pre-kids. Ok who are we kidding, pre-marriage is more accurate. Thinking about the events last night seem like a dream, we were that tired. Amelie slept in a room upstairs the entire party, through two bands and music playing all night. Did I mention how much I love that child? The Browns are such a rad family. Ryan and I have goals to be just like them. This afternoon we went to the beach, because it was glorious, and enjoyed the last of our weekend. It's going to be a good year.


The Cooks said...

Happy Christmas, New Years, and Anniversary! Oh becs you don't eve know how bad I wish I could switch you places and be on the beach. The last month all I crave is warm weather, the beach, lake powell, anything to be warm and soak up the rays! I'm glad you guys had fun! love ya

Unknown said...

Sounds like a great Christmas, anniversary, and New years. Steve and I ended up leaving our New Years party at 11:00 b/c we were tired. You guys were better then us. We just went to bed and didn't see the ball drop or anything.

{Jason and Elan} said...

I have to tell you that my mom totally fell in love with Amelie. She said she is such a beautiful baby! Congrats guys :)

annieq84 said...

I don't know what's up with you light weights. I totally made it to 12:30! Yeah- I know that's not much better but it is probably my last chance to do so before my little boy shows up. Good update becks!

aaron and meg facer said...

Fun recap and GREAT pictures! The one of Austin and Ami is especially good. But I also like the one of all the boys surfing. And I like the one of Ami laughing. Okay, they're all good! Glad it was a great holiday for you guys!

aaron and meg facer said...

And way to go partying until 3:30! Very impressive. I fell asleep on the couch at 7:30 and then got up to go to bed at 9:30. Hmmm...lame!