Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Thoughts from today...

Walking down the kitchen goods aisle of Marshalls set me into a frenzy of excitement over pots and pans. I think I'm officially a mom. And maybe it's from using pots and pans from the goodwill, but either way, I cannot wait to move into somewhere and get myself some shiny new pots.

Sometimes I want to be Michelle Duggar. Have tons of kids, homeschool, wear skirts only (ok maybe not that one), no tv...I really think they're onto something. But really, I am seriously considering a co-op of like 4 or 5 moms that want to go into a joint homeschool, everyone teaches a day a week. This way I know who's teaching and what they're teaching and who they're friends are. I can't believe I'm already worrying about this. Is that crazy?

A California state law says it's illegal to text or talk on the phone while driving. I really think it would be wise to add, having kids in the car. I can't explain the maneuvering I've been doing recently or Lindsay will freak out. Good thing I'm such a fabulous driver.

I wonder if there is a service I can call to potty train my child. I have neither the patience nor desire at this point in my life to try. I should have ordered one of those kids that just miraculously one day potty train themselves. Let's just hope I get my act together in a few months or else this kid is going to kindergarten in diapers.

We've only been back in California 6 months and I'm already getting ancy for the next move. I blame this all on my parents who moved me until I was in 5h grade, which, by the way, I totally loved. I really think there's something to say about not getting too comfortable in one place.

With Oliver I really wasn't crazy about nursing. I was always annoyed that I had to excuse myself and miss out on all the fun. Now with a busy toddler and constant noise, I secretly look forward to my little escape.

There's probably very few things I love as much as napping with both my children and having Oliver say "Mom, I love you", just as he's getting real sleepy.

My husband is a grown up. I went to visit Ryan the other day at work and he was busy with about a million things, talking all professional-like with an architect and I realized he is like a total grown man. I know that sounds funny but you know when you grow up with someone and then they become your husband, it's sort of like this evolution right before your eyes. I was pretty proud of him, to say the least.

I realized I had no energy today. So I went to CVS and bought myself some vitamins. Every bottle that had "energy" on it was calling my name. As if this will solve the fact that I have a new baby. Getting back to the gym I think will solve a lot. Now if my body would only let me.


Amanda said...

i love this post (and you!). good luck with the potty training- keep me updated on any tips and tricks, because i am seriously going to start katherine like 2 months after this kid is born. oh and i'm all for the michelle duggar lifestyle, but please dont have 19 children. i dont think i could keep track of them all and i have a hard enough time trying to convince oliver to love me. i think i started out on the right foot with amelie though, so i'll take one out of the two. :)

Unknown said...

Nope on the home school. Carson is only a year and I can't wait until he goes to school- Okay, maybe I'm not quite ready yet, but I'm sure I will be!! I don't want your kids to be the "weird home schooled cousins".

Magen said...

so becks before I watched 18 kids in counting I thought what weirdos but after watching it a couple of times they seem like the nicest family with the best intentions. Somedays I am all for the homeschool idea (subbing in the high school will do that to you) but then I think no way do i want to teach my kid math or chemistry. and so then you want to send them to a good school but a good school usually consist of higher income areas and I'll tell you what some of these kids have no real perspective in life because of the money their parents have. when a 7th grader is walking around with a coach purse and true religion jeans it kind of makes me sick. I probably think about this all too much given I am so far away from being a mommy but whatever.

ps...i wanted so badly to jump on a plane yesterday and come to visit. I miss you all the time but especially yesterday I just wanted to hang out with you. x

Allison said...

Love the random thoughts, that's how my brain works too. Good job getting them all down to actually read! Hang in there with the potty training- I was in your same shoes and it was a pain for a long time, but now I don't even have to worry about it (ok-Adam did most of the hard work cause I kept avoiding it and didn't have the patience). Love the Michelle Duggar comment too :). You're a great mom, keep it up sounds like you're doing great.

kelleyplus said...

Lots of good thoughts. We miss you and the babies while in Rexburg freezing to death.

The Johnson Journey said...

Oh how I miss you guys. I was just realizing how tired I was today too. I don't even have a newborn! I love your thoughts... You're the best.

aaron and meg facer said...

We love that longing for pots and pans officially makes you a mom...even though you have two kids! Just shows you're naturally talented at being a parent. ;)

That's so funny about discovering Ryan is an adult. I had the same realization when we first moved here and I heard Aaron talking work lingo at a business lunch. It's nice he's a competent adult, but I'm glad he can switch it off and be a goof at home still!