Hanging out with his cousin Noelle while we help moved the Winstead's into their new place in Sugar House. We discovered all sorts of fun things at the park there. And I discovered that watching two kids at the park is way different than watching one. Plus there were about a million people there and I am deathly scared of kidnappers.

While packing the other day, Oliver ran over to me so excited about something and finally I realized he was yelling "toes!" He had taken a red sharpee and painted his toenails. I guess he missed having them painted. I kept saying "Oh pretty", so he started calling them pretty too.

Of course hanging out with mom is the best, we are such buddies. He has had some major Dad moments this week too. He's usually used to Ryan leaving in the morning for school and demands a hug and kiss for us both. If Ryan forgets a hug for me, he pushes him to me and says"hug". It is too funny. Usually we do a hug sandwich, it's just easier that way. But sometimes we run up to campus to drop off lunch or whatever Ryan needs, so Ollie only sees him for a minute. On the ride home he is devastated and cries and then when we get out of the car he runs out to the end of the driveway and yells "dada". He LOVES that Dad of his, and who can blame him. One of my favorite things is to see the look on Ollie's face when Ryan gets home. Pure joy and excitement.

Eating yummy things, like our mother's day cake. This was fun until he kept saying "cah-kay" (Oliver's take on the word cake) demanding it at all times. So it got thrown away.

Who doesn't love to play the piano naked once in a while?

We have all this snowboard stuff and Ollie usually puts on googles, one glove, and a helmet. I wish I could photo the whole get-up, it's pretty funny.
I love the toes picture and especially love the naked piano picture. Darling!
Yea!!! My favorite part of this day is the pictures of the kids and the stories of Olivers adventures. Keep them coming!
Very cute pictures beck! My favorite is the one with just you an ollie hugging. The both of you look so happy and beautiful in it. What a cute little life!
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