Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Surprising News!

Well we had our first Ultrasound today and found out a little more than we bargained for...there was not one but TWO babies, yup twins!!! Are you kidding me! I sort of had a feeling about it but I didn't think I was actually right. This will be interesting. We are excited and a little shocked...mostly cause you bought it! Happy April Fools Day:)


Allison said...

Are you kidding me!!!! That is awesome, what a surprise! You and Ryan will be great parents for twins. Adam's sister just had twins on Thanksgiving (they don't run in the family or anything & it's their first babies) and it is so fun seeing 2 babies in all their pics. Congratulations double time! We have got to get together soon!

Brent and Nicole said...

LOL, that's funny that even after you said April Fool's the person above me is so excited. Gotta love this day. Someone from work sent me a link saying Lost was canceled and I about had a heart attack before I realized what day it is. Hope all is well with you guys!! I thought about having you fake a pregnancy test so I can scare Brent but I decided against it... It would be pretty funny though

The McLane Blog Page: said...


Amanda said...

you rascal!

Allison said...

You Stinker- I missed that part!

The Reids said...

Oh my crap!! I believed you and was so happy for you. Then I was like, "wait a second!" And I jumped to the end and saw your April Fools. Dang, you sneaky sneaky fool.

{Jason and Elan} said...

Umm, I totally fell for it! Congrats anyway on the pregnancy, it will be so fun for Oliver to have a sibling. Hope you all are doing well!

The Johnson Journey said...

I hate April Fool's! I told Ryan before I finished reading... you jerk.