Friday, February 20, 2009

I should probably mention...


Lant Family said...

Congratulations! That is so exciting. Yeah!

Kelly said...

Yay! Congrats! That's so exciting!

{Elyse} said...

Wow! Congrats!! I was wondering when you would announce another pregnancy...can you believe our kids are almost 2!?!

The McLane Blog Page: said...

oh my goodness!!!! I had an idea, but didn't want to say anything! CONGRATS!!!!! This is so exciting!!!!!!

aaron and meg facer said...

Woohoo!! We're so excited for you guys. Things are just looking great for your future and we couldn't be happier! We can't wait to meet the rascal. ;)

Unknown said...

I'm hoping for a boy to be besties with Carson.

Melissa (Murdoch) McKinley said...

ahh!! congratulations! how exciting!

Amanda said...

sorry leah, but she must have a girl- so she can look just like katherine :)

Lindsay said...

Wha....???? CONGRATS!!! You make cute babies, so you should have a lot! How far are you??

Darcey said...

OMIGOSH! AHHHH! CONGRATS! We're SO SO SO happy and excited for you!

andrea said...

I sort of knew, so I am glad you said something! I wasn't sure if I had the correct information! Congratulations!!! That is so exciting! Ollie will be a great big brother!

Unknown said...

WOW! CONGRATULATIONS BECKY AND RYAN!! We love you both and are so excited for you... Becks, let's get together if you are still in LC.... happy to play with Ollie or get some adult hang out time in. I will call you this week!!!

annieq84 said...

Classic! probably one of my favorite posts I've ever seen you do. Love you Becks!

The Cooks said...

I love it! Call me.....

Tiffany said...

Oh my gosh, I am so happy for you. I need more details.

Mike and Kris said...

Congratulations!! I have been checking your blog daily for this post!! I'm so so happy for you!!!

Sara said...

First of all congrats! What wonderful news!! Matt wanted me to ask you a question. Did you get pregnant while having an IUD or had you taken it our prior to conception. He is worried that he should try and get his money back ;)