Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Ready, Set, Go!!!

Well I tried to catch Ollie's first real crawling today but as always when the camera comes out, he stops. It's cute anyways so I'll put it on. But yeah, he's been doing the face dive lately and for the first time today, he finally realized that his arms can really help him get around. So he made like 3 consecutive big boy crawls and then couldn't stop, he was so excited. It was pretty funny how excited Ryan and I got, oh the joys of parenting.


monica said...

Ollie is so cute! Isn't this such a fun time? I love it.

Lindsay said...

Oh my goodness! What a BIG boy! I love his little "scoot" between crawls. He is such a cute little guy! I need to take lessons from you and put some videos up. Maybe I'll get to that... We have had company since the baby got here!! Soon though, we will have more time to post cute little videos like you! I LOVE your blog, I am SO glad you are doing it!

Unknown said...

Becks, I just want to kiss those little cheeks!! (Ollies, not yours sorry). I can't wait to see you guys. Thank you so much for updating your blog as often as you do. I love watching him grow.