Monday, November 5, 2012

Family Pictures 2012

Well my beautiful sister in law Jill Facer took these family photos of us while they were visiting.  These are our first official pictures as a family, other than random shots here and there of course.  I was so happy to get some pictures of our little family as it stands before we mix things up (and I get fat pregnancy face).  I have gotten very attached to the four of us hanging out these past 3 years.  "GO TEAM!" is a familiar saying around our house.  It's basically our way of saying, our family is the best and we love each other.  So happy Jill captured these precious moments of such a special stage in our lives.  And now I can send out a legit Christmas card!  Love you Jill, thanks for jumping a fence with me on private property while Ryan freaked out.  If you are in Orange County, here is Jill's website  You should really look her up:)