Monday, May 28, 2012

Follow the prophet

We got a great video in the car of Ami singing one of her favorite songs "Follow the Prophet".  I can't get over this little girls voice.  She loves to sing super loud and a little off pitch:) 

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Our favorite park with friends

 The gang.  Oliver and his friend Brent who just turned 6.  Cameron and Amelie who are good buddies.  My friend Rachelle and I switch off an afternoon a week so we can have some kid free moments to ourselves.  We decided to hit the park today with everyone. 

 Playing chase with Cameron
 Our beautiful Hawaiian sky
 An umbrella of trees covers this entire park, it is the coolest. 

 There is nothing quite like warm artificial grass and a thumb to get you in the mood for slumber

 More chasing
 Man oh man those eyes
 As you can tell I have mostly pictures of Amelie.  This is one I got of Ollie when he finally took a break from moving to eat something, then he was back at it. 
 This watermelon was sweet and crisp.  I could probably eat the whole thing in a day. 
 He even makes a baby toy look super tough
 This girl cracks me up
 Brent the future heart breaker:)

 Cameron and Ami play so well together.  Cam is super laid back and very courteous so he's always watching out for Ami and making sure he holds her hand.

I love parks that we can go to for 3 hours and still have lots to do.  I always run out of water though so it must always end.  Such a fun day

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Flying Rats

Ok I know that pigeons are the dirtiest but I couldn't help post these.  We were at the park one day feeding the birds and out of nowhere Amelie just picks up this bird.  All the kids were trying to pick them up and sure enough Ami was the only one who could do it.  I had my hand sanitizer out and ready.  I was like, is this dangerous but I was laughing so hard I couldn't make it stop.  This girl is hilarious.