Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy V Day

These are my valentines and I love them. You are all my valentines and I love you too. I'm so grateful I have so many people to love in my life and in return I am so loved.
Happy Valentine's Day

Friday, February 11, 2011

In LoVE wiTh jOySChoOl

Let me just say that there is a lot of LOVE at joyschool. Here are some funny pics of Ollie and his friends this past week as we talked about Valentine's Day. I just LOVE explaining LOVE to a bunch of two and three year olds. We had a lot of "oohhhh's" and "cute"(by ollie mostly) as I read stories about love. I am so grateful to know that these kids are truly LOVED, as ALL kids should be.

Monday, February 7, 2011


This my friend's is a pic taken by my amazingly talented cousin Andrea. Seriously, I love her and I love how she see's the world. And I love that this day I was totally at a birth and Ryan dropped the kids off and she watched them the entire day and totally dressed Ami up in some of Cam's old clothes and then found the time to snap a few unbelievable photos. I am seriously lucky that they decided to move so close. My built in sister/best friend:) You're the best, love you...

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Johnson time- Balboa style

Then we decided a trip to the original Ruby's for lunch was in order. Eating in the sun on the end of a pier with the wind blowing and vast ocean to watch is heavenly. I swear it put me in some kind of trance. The kids watched people fish and they were fascinated.

We rented this little Duffy boat off groupons and it was actually pretty fun. We cruised around coveting other people's yachts and all the vacant houses that no one seemed to occupy.

Ryan and Mary decided to surprise us and come to stay in Dana Point for 10 days, ahhh we love them. So they've been here this past week hanging out and taking in the sights and sounds of sunny California. They are staying in a beach house just about 10 minutes away. I could definietely get used to that. The kids have been having a blast together.

Family pic with the newest addition of Halle. We love the Jonhson's!

Reunion weekend!

Some of my all time favorite people came for a visit this last weekend. I happen to have met the best friends of my life in college and i seriously love these girls and wish that they all lived closer. Brooke came with her pregnant belly (baby girl Penelope) and Kristen came with her doubely pregnant belly (twins!!!) and Mary came to introduce us all to the newest addition to her family, 10 week old Halle. Actually all of Mary's family came down too but that's for the next post:) We were missing some of the allstars on this trip and they were indeed missed! Next time girls. It just happened that my client due in 3 weeks went into labor as well as my client who was due in 4, on the same night! It was insane and I finally got a real dose of the craziness of being a doula and having your life on call. Everyone was awesome and just had fun together while I was at the hospital. Here are some highlights of the trip...

-scotcharoo eating, of course. breakfast. lunch. dinner

-best of snl watching

-babymama viewing

-kristen laughing:)

-cheesecake eating

-beach going

-commonly used phrase "preggo time", when refering to kristen and brooke collectively

-lots of labor discussing

-"you can get with this or you can get with that" compliments of our sweet ride, the soul

Girls I love you! Thanks so much for coming to visit. I might need a quarterly girls reunion trip. Hmmm, maybe after all these babies are born. Wish I could be there:)

Kidspace with Dad

We went to visit my parents a few weekends ago and spent the day at Kidspace. Ryan had never gone which was so weird to me considering how many times I've been. Such is the life of a Dad:) So he finally got to experience it with the kids and I took a few pictures to remember.