Sunday, January 9, 2011

Saturday Afternoon...

We headed down to Laguna to hit the playground at the beach and then discovered a kid's wonderland at the toystore, where Ollie bought a little kite to fly. It was one of those afternoon's that could have kept going and going without ever looking at the time. Oh and I found the perfect little rundown house in Laguna for sale...I'm gonna go stalk it today. Mom what do you say we go in on a house there together? You and Dad can put down 95% and we'll take care of the other 5:)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Orange County ZOO

The kids and I decided to go explore the Orange County Zoo today. It was such a perfect little zoo for little ones and I was impressed by the variety of animals they had for such a small place. Best two bucks I've ever spent!

Ami was obsessed with this mountain lion...Proof. Actually her face was like this almost the whole time. She is an animal lover, that girl.
Petting Zoo, everyone's favorite part.
AJ kept poking these guys noses and they really didn't seem to mind at all.
They had little brushes for the kids to comb the animals.

He decided that my shirt was worth a taste. Really though, I was getting concerned for my clothes, he wasn't joking.
The zoo is part of Orange County Parks and I swear it's like our own little Griffith Park here in orange county. They have pony rides, paddle boat rentals, train rides, and a huge pond for duck feeding. I might have found my new favorite place with the kids.
Feeding the ducks!
Save some for the ducks Ami!
Can life get any better than these two?
This is a face that is very easy to love, and kiss:)
Oliver decided Ami needed a little protection across the bridge. What a good boy.
She was so excited to be out roaming after being pent up in the house all weekend. Check out the excitement on that face.
I love how green it is after all that rain.
My cute Ollie boy.

Here's to many future visits. I'm so glad our community offers fun things like this to do and I'm so happy to live in a place we can go out in January and enjoy a nice day. When it's 50 and I'm complaining, I need to remind myself of that:)

Sick kids

Lately we've been fighting ear infections and bronchitis, so Ollie and Amelie get to both do these nebulizer treatments every four hours.We decided to pull out the mattresses, watch movies, and snuggle.

Really, what else do you need when you're sick.

Soon everyone starts to feel better:)

Some kisses from mom and dad and we had sick, but happy kids.

The next night everyone was feeling so much better and even slept all through the night! Yay!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Laguna Lovers

Yesterday we were at Andrea and Devin's and everyone was so out of it we decided we needed a long walk on the beach to re-energize our souls. It totally worked! I don't think enough can be said about how much I love the beaches in Laguna. If it wasn't so artsy fartsy and expensive, it might just be my perfect place to live. But then I'd have to worry about my kids growing up like the one's on Laguna Beach and who wants to worry about that. I vote that the cool, middle class, normal folks move in and take over and claim it as our own. I might still hold out that some tiny little shack of a house will go on the market someday in a neighborhood where everyone is down to earth and doesn't mind screaming kids and maybe even has a few of their own. Oh how I love that place. If you've never been to Laguna Beach, go. It does not disappoint. I'm so thankful for my mom who brought us to Laguna growing up and taught us what a special place it is.

Photo courtesy of Andrea, thanks, love you!