Friday, March 27, 2009
Happy Birthday to Katherine and her daddy!

Thursday, March 26, 2009
Just thoughts
I just enjoy being two peas in a pod right now. Like we go on these dates together, to the bakery to get a muffin and cocoa, bowling, I mean literally anywhere I go, he comes. My favorite are our almost daily naps together, that kid is a snuggler. Seriously, he gets his arm wedged under my neck and then throws his other arm around me so I am fully encompassed. Priceless. I am more grateful than ever now to have not gotten pregnant any sooner than I did. I needed this time with Ollie, and just him. The timing feels utterly perfect. I even remember thinking in August, oh we should really start thinking of getting pregnant again and I went back and forth. It really just didn't feel right. Weird that just 4 months later it did, but that's the way it goes I guess.
I think part of me felt obligated to start trying, because Ollie was getting a little older and the spacing was getting a little wider. Since in the LDS culture, families have babies close together, it just gets expected. Like I swear, you're child hits 1 and everyone is like, when's the next one on the way? I know some of you hear me on this. And I think if that is what you want and you feel good about, you should absolutely do what makes you and your family happy. And at the same time, if it's not, that's ok too. I think it's mostly about breaking down that expected standard and realizing everyone is on their own timeline. I mean I've heard people say, well close spacing is the only way to go, and guess what, their family was spaced super close. And then I hear someone say, no you have to spread them out because their children were all spread out. So really, people just tell you what they know, and then you have to figure out for yourself what you know.
I love being a mom because no one gets to call the shots but me (and Ryan and the Lord) but really, I was trusted with these babies, they were sent specifically to me from heaven for a reason. I get to be their mom. Ryan and I always talk about how different being a mom is than a dad. Being a mom is like giving out pieces of your heart so that you always are thinking of your children, whether with you or not. Dad's can sort of get away with a little less. Their attachment isn't quite as consuming. Sometimes I have these conversations with God about being a mom. I feel like I've been given a specific calling just for me from him. Like he's saying, ok I'm trusting you with Oliver because he needs you specifically, with any one else, it wouldn't work. Only you can be the mom he needs. When Ryan and I were dating, I use to feel like our kids were watching us, willing us together, just waiting for their chance to join us. I really do remember those moments. Wow, I had never felt anything like that.
So even though Ollie and the next will be about 2 1/2 years apart, it wasn't really about planning, it was about what was right; it could have been a year or 4, but this was the time for this little spirit to join our family and I'm grateful for it. Until then, I look forward to every moment with my little man and hope that in about 6 months he will be ready to be a big brother and I'll be deserving of yet another gift from heaven.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Ode to the IUD
Monday, March 23, 2009
The many uses of Cadbury Eggs
I was blowing drying my hair this morning and came out to Ollie doing this. Who knew Cadbury eggs were good for more than just eating? This boy did.
Ryan had a great interview in California this weekend. He drove with a friend from BYU who was also interviewing with the same company. They drove all day Thurs., interviewed all day Friday, like really all day, I didn't hear from him till 8 that night, and then drove back all day Sat. Oh man, he was exhausted. He said they toured all the company's different offices and met with many of the executives. He feels like it went really well and the company will be contacting him in the next few weeks with either an offer or not. There is crazy competition out there. It's insane! They are one of the only companies actually hiring and even so, they are only hiring 4 or 5 guys. There are already tons of guys in California frequenting thier office and getting lots of face time. Being in Utah, we don't get that advantage. But being part of the program here does say a lot. So they get to take their sweet time choosing who they will hire. Ryan was really hoping to come back with an offer and in any other economy he probably would have. So we are hoping for the best. If we get an offer, that will be awesome. If we don't, it just isn't the job for us. It's freezing today, snowing actually. It was 70 on Sat. Who knows. We are almost through our last winter, hoorah! I think I'll make potato soup to turn this cold day into a warm one.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
an avid TLC watcher...and I'm really bored
In other TLC news, if you watch Jon and Kate Plus 8 you're probably like me not believing all these divorce rumors. But I just saw the preview for Mondays show and I guess they talk about all these problems they're having in their marriage. Sad. I remember watching the wedding episode with my sister Leah and Kate said we did this to show our kids that we would never be apart, that their dad and I would always love each other and be there for them. I mean who knows what's happening, but it's got to be hard with all those kids, all this fame, money, and attention. It seems Kate is always away at some function or Jon is doing his own thing. Too much time apart, priorities off. It just shows that you really have to be united as a family and not let all those stupid outside elements get into the importance of your family. Family first people...that's the honest truth.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Dear Housing Fairy...
I'd like to NOT live in an apartment.
We (meaning mostly Oliver and I) would LOVE a backyard to run around in.
Along with the backyard, I'd like to have a garden very much, or at least space to make one.
Please can we have a community pool? One of my favorite memories from being a kid in San Diego was our blessed community pool that we'd hit everytime we returned from the beach.
Hmmmm, speaking of beach, that is a must. Really, I'd like to be flexible on this but it's just unnegotiable, sorry. Within 10 miles prefferably. Thank you from us all.
Ideally 3 bed 2 bath, but we can swing 2 bed 2bath, although having that 3rd bedroom for all those guests visiting would be nice. I mean we should be generous and hospitable right?
I will be needing laundry in my house, and that's that.
I would love a kitchen that is welcoming and big enough to want to be there, considering I spend a lot of time in this location.
A park close by would be really useful for a young, active mom such as myself.
A safe, friendly, diverse neighborhood would be wonderful.
Ollie would like to request a ward with some kids to play with.
Since I bike with Oliver to many places, I would love a grocery store, post office, etc. within biking distance to our house.
And all these things being in a price range we can afford. And yes, we don't mean in Texas, more like California. Miracles can happen.
Well that's all that I feel the need to write. I will send these wishes out to the universe in hopes that the housing fairy will see fit to grant us a few requests. I don't really believe in Karma or the Law of Attraction, but I'll pretend for a bit. Can't hurt.
Ollie's 2nd Birthday!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Oliver's birthday response
Ok Grandma, Grandpa, and Chelsea, this one is for you! We got Ollie's response to your birthday video on camera, it was pretty funny. He was very excited and sang the whole time, he sure loves you guys:)
Monday, March 16, 2009
Almost 2

Friday, March 13, 2009
Best cookies on the planet

Thursday, March 12, 2009
Nemo and other business
We haven't been up to a whole lot lately, therefore I'm posting a random video from FHE the other night. Ryan was making Nemo with playdo and Ollie was real excited. Then as soon as he got it, Nemo was cut into many small pieces. And upon realizing what he had done, he was very concerned and sad for Nemo's destroyed body. It was re-built a few times and then finally given up on. Playdo is just too fun to destroy. Everytime Ollie would get something in his hands, his hands would shake out of force trying to annihalate whatever it was.
In other news, Ryan is heading to California next weekend for an interview, wahooooo! We are hoping and praying that it goes really well. What a scary and exciting time. It's funny because we always talked about all these job offers coming in upon graduation, that is before the economy crashed. We always thought we'd have tons of options and choice. It's humbling now to hope for just one. Hopes are still very high and we're confident that we'll be taken care of. This is such a lesson I think. You know, kids our age think so much of the time that they can have what their parents have in no time, that things will just come easily. We all forget the work and time that went into having success. Hopefully this will teach us to never be wasteful or foolish with what we have. I don't feel like I'm careless with money at all. I've always felt very strongly that money should not control you, either by being to careless with it or too careful, either way you're giving it too much power. But something I'm not always prepared for is emergency money, in case something were to ever happen. Granted, it's a little hard to have a stash of emergency money when you're going to school and essentially living from paycheck to paycheck. But this has all taught me that once we do have a solid salary, it is so important to save and be prepared. I feel like we've got this advantage throughout our life to be smart. We can always look back at this time and say, hey remember when...? I think it's a huge wakeup call.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
OSSO needs volunteers, get the word out!

Arizona College Reunion

Exploring the Lot

An early birthday celebration

We had an early birthday for Ollie at the Facer's house. Here he is blowing out the candles.

The gang: Burnett, Jeff, Jill, Jon, Me, and Ollie. Nita was taking the picture.

You gotta love the "ohhh" face when opening presents.