First off, we are still at my parents and I could only get a limited number of pictures uploaded so these are the ones I got, but there is more to come. First order of business, my hair is short.

This was the horse's tail that was left that will hopefully go to a head in need.

Down with my family at the Americana. They had fake snow falling from the sky at 7:00. That is SO my kind of snow.

The water show and the obvious amazement on these faces.

Jeff and Ry on Christmas morning.

We walked down to Trestles to surf and Oliver pooped out on the walk back up, Curious George in hand of course.

A visit with one of our favorites Emily Brown. Ems, if we had a list, you would be at the top.

G&G Facer enjoying Christmas morning. Aren't they cute?

A candid before Carson's blessing. We blessed him in the bishop's office at the La Canada ward with just our family. It was very special.