Leah and I taking a walk in the glorious sun, trying to get things moving:)I met up with one of my favorite people Courtney and her kiddles John and Sophie. Love them all. Court, I miss you, thanks for coming to see me and fighting the horrible traffic on the way home. Can we live closer?
Bonding time with Sophie. She slept on me the whole tour and I soaked up every minute of it.
This is John taste testing the free sample. Apparently, a few of them did not make the cut.
This is John taste testing the free sample. Apparently, a few of them did not make the cut.
Just had to throw in a few of Ollie's. This is right after his haircut I gave him. Each time I cut his hair he looks a whole year older.
Trying out life as a child growing up in the cold. Gma and Gpa Facer got him these handsome threads. Overall, the verdict was that Oliver is not much of a cold dweller.
Trying out life as a child growing up in the cold. Gma and Gpa Facer got him these handsome threads. Overall, the verdict was that Oliver is not much of a cold dweller.